Saturday, September 30, 2017

Multiple Ginger Seedling

My Current Experiment, testing information gathered from the internet. How to make multiple seedlings from a few rhizomes of ginger. Rhizomes with lots of buds can give several seedlings instead of planting the the whole rhizome as seedling.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


One of my biggest achievement since day one of my R&D with Aquaponics was my success with keeping this fish alive. It was a burden from the start with all the trials and errors, and end up killing so much fishes before I made it to this point with almost a kilogram of fish. I named this fish of mine Bardok, and he is my favorite fish among others and planning to keep until the day of his lifespan and also to be able to figure out how big would this fish grow with my current setup and maintenance.

Bardok is a SaltUno strain or Molubicus. Is a cross breed of fresh water and salt water tilapia strain.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

700W and Growing

The Campaign to a self sustainable power source for my backyard farm and aquaponics is just keep growing and growing, although the pace is slow I am happy that the developments is continuous.

Solar power is expensive alternative source of power at the moment, but a necessary step to keep your fish and plants alive in an area where power is unstable.

This investment has saved my project countless of times. And my primary goal with this part of R&D is a 3000W of solar power source!

I would like to give thanks to all those who supported my research, by donations and by buying my produce. The buyers of the fish and veges and the cash donations.

My campaign was difficult from the beginning, it was like a me against the world scenario. Only a few people believed that it is possible, and many gave doubts due to the slow and expensive progress. One day we will prove them wrong!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

DIY Netpots

Today's episode is about the DIY netpots out of disposable plastic water or soda bottles. I made the effort to share this idea even though I know that probably most Aquaponics and Hydroponics DIYers have applied this idea. But searching the internet doesn't yield the expected results.

The purpose of this DIY guide is to give beginners the idea on how to save on parts and materials for this hobby. Not only it will help them with the cost but also with time on shipping or effort of going to distant store to source out this part. And moreover you can also minimize household garbage output with this idea.

First we have to gather the materials and the tools:

  1. Empty soda plastic bottles.
  2. A heavy duty scissor.
  3. a side cutting pliers.
  4. and a blade cutter.

First step is to cut the plastic bottles into two, the length between top or bottom will depend on your setup.

Second step is slice the caps  like a net or star pattern using a blade cutter.

Third is to push the sliced plastic outwards and cut some to give way to roots and air using your side cutting pliers.

And now you have your DIY net pot from disposable soda or water plastic bottles.

some variations.